3/31/11 More florida keys night tarpon fishing action!
Capt. Rick Stanczyk two nights in a row for my first two night tarpon trips. Another successful evening we landed this 90 lb tarpon close to home, it was another windy night early though it layed down very nice an hour or so before sunset - prime tarpon time! Stayed close to home as one of my anglers had a broken ankle and didn't want to get beat up to bad. We were fishing mostly live mullet again, had a few 'chasers' early in the evening, though didn't come tight on any. Caught a couple sharks off the bottom as well. We started drifting when the winds layed down, and this florida keys tarpon went airborne on our mullet!!! Did everything right and caught him in about 20 minutes. Drug him up on the flat in shallow water and got this great picture of him. Worth getting a little wet for this memory of a life time!
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