6/13/11 Some big summer goliaths while florida keys fishing

Capt. Rick Stanczyk has fished the past few days in the islamorada backcountry. Some nice snappers have been way out west in some of the close gulf areas, white holes, wrecks, etc... Some goliaths have been out there as well we caught a nice one yesterday and had a couple others cut us off in structure. A few other captains reported some in some other areas as well. Today Capt. Rick also caught this nice 50 lber, along with several blacktip sharks, lemon sharks, and some BIG 150-200 lb nurse sharks. We also jumped a couple of 50-75 lb tarpon, couldn't get the hooks to stay in, but good to see some in the backcountry with the wind laying down. There was also some good action with ladyfish, trout, and jacks today as well.

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