1/10/12 Winter time backcountry fishing in Islamorada Florida Keys

Capt. Rick Stanczyk had the McGradys out today for a father-son retirement fishing trip! Fishing has been pretty good overall in the backcountry especiallying fishing in flamingo. We ran to that area and headed even further towards the cape and fished a few areas which have been pretty good as of late. Seems the fish have been pretty beat up I've seen lots of boats sitting in there. We poked around a few spots and had to work hard at it. Between getting eaten alive by bugs on the boat and catfish on our baits, we finally got into a few good fish. Several nice black drum along with a few other jacks, ladyfish, trout, etc... We put a shark rod out and also caught a nice bull shark. Saw a handful of tarpon rolling but they did not seem interested in eating. When the tide quit we ran back towards flamingo to catch the end of the tide and fished some runoffs. Not much to talk about there, did catch one little red and a nice snook on pinfish at the end that made it worth while. Brian also caught a double header seagull and redfish at the same time - not what he was expecting! Finished the day where we had a good bite of trout the other day, they were still there caught several nice size specs, along with jacks, pompano, and you guessed it - more catfish! The guys had a blast though and our fishing with Capt. Nick Stanczyk offshore on Thursday. They also are already planning a spring/summer trip for tarpon!
Capt. John Johansen reported a similar bite near the east cape area. Capt. Mike Bassett reported a good mackerel bite on the edge of the gulf, good to know those fish are back as they had shut down due to the cold we experienced about a week ago.
Capt. Rick Stanczyk

Reader Comments (2)
Love Bud N Marys, but just wondering why everyone has their face covered up in the pictures?
Interested to know how big the shark was too??
Shark was probably 60 lbs. Often times guides (and customers) where wraps around the face to protect from wind/sun. When your out in it everyday it's a good idea!