2-18-12 Daytime Swordfish Report and Reef Fishing Report

On the BNM today we took Jim Jr and his Father Jim Sr out for a daytime swordfish charter. They were from Boston and came down for an Islamorada Fishing Trip at Bud N Mary's Marina. The day started out slow with no bites the first 3 drops. At about Noon we finally had our first bite and an hour later Jim Jr. caught his first ever broadbill swordfish. It wasn't a monster but a good one to start with and weighed in at 60 lbs. We made one more drop and after 30 minutes we had a cheap bite, but the swordfish didn't want to play and left us alone. We called it an early day and were back to the dock by 3:15 p.m. , a rather short trip for swordfishing. We also hooked a big squid on our medium size squid we were using for sword bait, but only came back with a tentacle. When we cleaned the swordfish it also had a cool creature from the deep inside his stomach, the remains of a lancet fish est. to be at least 4 feet long. It had huge teeth! The reef fishing was fair today. The sails have been tough, but the Reel McCoy released 2 sails and the Relentless 1. There was a few mahi hanging up as well as some king mackerel. The Kalex had a pair or 40 lb kings and 30 yellowtail snapper! The Relentless had a great day on sailfish yesterday and released 6 sails, while the most of the other boats had their limit of king mackerel, but no sails.
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